miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010


0. When was William Shakespeare born ? Where ? He was born on 23th of April, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon
1. Write the names of William Shakespeare’s parents . Who were they ? John Shakespeare and Mary Arden. They are Shakespeare parent’s
2. Write the name of his wife . When did they get married ? Anne Hathway. They married in 1582
3. Write the names of his three children. What happened to them ? Susana, Hamnet and Judith
4. What was the name of his hometown ? The name of his homework is Stratford.
5. Write the names of the buildings in his hometown related to him . The Stratford Monument
6. Where did he study ? In Grammer School
7. Did he go to university ? No, he didn’t
8. Why did he leave his family and hometown to go to London ? Because he wanted to be an actor
9. How many plays had he written when he arrived in London ? 14 more or less
10.When can we find the first reference to Shakespeare in the literary world of London ?  In the literature books and films
11. When he was in London , he was an actor and playwritght who belonged to the company called Lord Chamerlein , which had been founded by The King’s Magesty’s Servants and whose theatre was called Glolbe. They had the best actor Shakespeare and the best dramatist Robert Grenne.
12. When and where did he die ?  William Shakespeare died at the age of 52, on April 23, 1616. In Stratford.
13. When and where did his wife die ? She died on 6 of August 1623 in Stratford upon
14. Where is he buried ?  In Holy Trinity Chirch, London.
15. What did his will state ? To his daughters and Richard Burbage, John Hermingues and Henry Condell.

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