lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011


at the final of this term we have to do a wikispace anb I choose the most famous capitals in Europe. I think that they are very diferent but very nearly too. It's important to know something about this kind of cities.

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011


climate of Britain

The British climate is a temperate climate. Situated about half way between the equator and the poles, it is usually characterised by pleasant if changeable weather conditions. Summers are normally not too hot with the highest temperatures rarely rising above 32°C except perhaps in the southeast. Winters are generally mild, influenced by the warm air that comes from the Atlantic Ocean. Frosts are common but the temperature rarely falls below -10°C. The difference between the average summer and winter temperature in most parts of Britain (including both day and night time temperatures) is only about 12°C. In some parts of Russia, for example Siberia, this difference can be as much as 40°C.

Different parts of the British Isles receive different amounts of rainfall. More falls in the west and north, particular in Scotland, the Lake District and Wales, where hills and mountains increase the amount of rain received. In some parts of Scotland it can rain or snow on as many as 300 days in a year. In East Anglia by contrast, rainfall is much lower, and dry summers can receive very little rainfall indeed.

The British Isles lie in the path of bad weather systems called depressions that come in from the Atlantic. These bring wind and rain, but usually mild air, unless this veers around to the north. For this reason, the climate of the British Isles can change from one day to the next.

environment of Britain

Population of Britain

Britain ranks 18th in the world in terms of population size.
The population is very unequally distributed over the four parts of the UK:
England more or less constantly makes up 84% of the total population, Wales around 5%, Scotland roughly 8.5 %, and Northern Ireland (since 1921) less than 3%.
The population of the United Kingdom was estimated to be 60,975,000 in mid-2007, up by 388,000 (0.6 per cent) on the previous year and nearly two million more than in mid-2001

lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

Sessions eines google

3. Calendaris Google o Google Calendar (Agenda/Calendari de Google)
Permet crear calendaris/agendes públics, privats, compartits o col.laboratius a través de permisos de lectura i/o escriptura. Els accessos es gestionen a través d'adreces gmail.
Exemples: Agenda SE Selva I (agenda d'esdeveniments), Calendari de mercats i fires de la Selva (calendari col.laboratiu)

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011


lancastrian family tree

the wedding of william and kate

Since Prince William and Kate Middleton announced they were getting married this spring, a host of celebs have been begging for an invite to the wedding. P Diddy, JLS and Nicole Scherzinger have expressed their desire to attend the celebration. Peter Andre and Serbian Crown Prince Alexander II even claim they already are on the list. The Sun reports that the guest list will be 5.000 Names long, and will include 2.000 close friends and 3.000 politicians, public figures and foreign dignitaries, who are selected by the Lord Chamberlain’s Office.

The Royal Couple is reported to limit invites to family, friends and people playing a direct part in their public and private lives, so stars like Sir Paul McCartney and Dame Helen Mirren will most probably not be on the list.

Celebrities who really are invited should avoid bragging because it is rumored that William and Kate plan to disinvite guests when they issue the invites for their big day. Clarence House said the royals wont provide a running commentary on who would be invited to one of the year’s biggest social occasions.

It was however confirmed that Buckingham Palace is in communication informally with the wider royal family, and “notifications” have been sent out to keep the date free. But it was added that these notifications are not formal invites.



Prince William of Wales KG FRS (William Arthur Philip Louis; born 21 June 1982) is the elder son of Charles, Prince of Wales, and Diana, Princess of Wales, and grandson of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. He is second in the line of succession, behind his father, to the thrones of 16 independent states, although he is resident in and more directly involved with the United Kingdom, the oldest of these realms.
Following his education at numerous schools around the United Kingdom, obtaining a degree from the University of St Andrews, and spending parts of a gap year in Chile, Belize, and countries in Africa, William enrolled in the military. He was commissioned as a lieutenant in the Blues and Royals regiment of the Household Cavalry – serving with his brother Prince Harry and,two years later, earned his wings by completing pilot training at Royal Air Force College Cranwell.[ In 2009, the Prince transferred to the Royal Air Force, was promoted to flight lieutenant and underwent helicopter flying training with the aim of becoming a full time pilot with the Search and Rescue Force. As of Autumn 2010, he has completed his generic and special-to-type helicopter training and is now at RAF Valley on No. 22 Squadron performing co-pilot duties on the Sea King search and rescue helicopter. On 16 November 2010 it was announced by Clarence House, his home near Buckingham Palace, that Prince William and his long-term girlfriend Kate Middleton are to marry. The wedding will be on 29 April 2011 in Westminster Abbey, London. at 11 a.m.

tudor london

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

1.Write a list of the most oustanding buildings in Tudor London.

If you need any help, try the next websites.

henry VIII wives

Name :Anne Boleyn
Fate :Beheaded at the Tower of London on May 19, 1536 after being charged with adultery.
Children :Elizabeth I
Wife Number : 2

Name :Jane Seymour
Fate :On October 24, 1537, Jane died from complications of childbirth.
Jane is the only one of Henry's wives to share his grave.
Children : Edward VI
Wife Number :3

Name :Anne of Cleves
Fate :Henry divorced her and Anne received a nice sum of money, an estate, and the title of "King's Sister".
Children : None
Wife Number :4

Name :Catherine of Aragon
Fate :Henry divorced her, having their marriaged anulled. Catherine was banished from the kingdom and lived in seclusion until the time of her death.
Children : Mary I
Wife Number : 1

Name :Catherine Parr
Fate :She outlived Henry.On September 7, Catherine died of complications from the childbirth. Children :None
Wife Number :6

Name :Catherine Howard
Fate : Beheaded at the Tower of London , charged with treason
Children :None
Wife Number : 5


After reading the website below, fill in the gaps in the following text about Tudor London .

Tudor London can be described as a prosperous city during the Tudor dynasty. In fact, the population increased from 75000 inhabitants with Henry VII to 200000 at the end of the 16th century.The Tudor monarchs had a royal residence in London called Whitehall Palace and another in the countryside,called Hampton Court, after Cardinal Wolsey gave it to Henry VIII.These Tudor kings and queens used what are now famous parks , such as Hyde Park or St. James’s Park, as Royal hunting forests.Not many Tudor buildings survive today, mostly because of The Great Fire , which happened in 1666. Besides, , the 13 religious houses in London were converted for private use or pulled down for building materials after the Dissolution of the monasteries, which was Henry VIII's most decisive step against the power of the church in 1538. First the small, less powerful houses had their property confiscated and their buildings blighted (made unsuitable for use). They were followed the next year by the large houses..Apart from that, the theatres were banned from the city by the city authorities or guilds because plays wasted workmen's time. Then, they were built in the Southwark, where now a reconstruction of the Globe can be visited to learn So, all in all, and because of many other events and facts, we can say that both London and England were powerfull about Tudor theatre.

lunes, 7 de febrero de 2011

photo of henry !

henry VIII

NAME:Henry Tudor

BORN:28 june 1491

PARENTS:Henry VIIand Elisabeth of York

CROWNED:21 april 1509

RELIGION :anglican

MARITAL STATUS: career is probably the thing that he is most known for. The story of Henry's wives is told on their own pages.


MOST FAMOUS PALACE: greenwich palace


REIGNED :46 years

lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

low cost fly : barcelona-london

fly : barcelona-london

IDA: lunes 31 enero 2011 / Día + >>

VUELTA: lunes 07 febrero 2011 << Día - / Día + >>

384,88 € 1 Adulto (Tasas incluidas) Desglose del precio * Gastos de gestión no incluidos
20:25 Barcelona,El Prat 21:40 Londres,Heathrow IB Directo 2:15H Hay plazas

20:25 Barcelona,El Prat 21:40 Londres,Heathrow BA Directo 2:15H Hay plazas

06:15 Londres,Heathrow 09:20 Barcelona,El Prat IB Directo 2:05H 5 plazas

06:15 Londres,Heathrow 09:20 Barcelona,El Prat BA Directo 2:05H Hay plazas

lunes, 10 de enero de 2011




The only son of the Montague family ROMEO

The only daughter of the Capulet family JULIET

The governor of Verona PRINCE ESCALUS

Juliet's cousin TYBALT

Romeo's friend BENVOLIO

Juliet's fiancé COUNT PARIS

The woman who looked after Juliet THE NURSE

Romeo's friend and teacher, a priest MERCUTIO

Romeo's servant BALTHASAR

The friar who had to go to Mantua FIARE LAURANCE

The queen of the fairies, of the dreams.

2. Describe Romeo and Juliet as you may imagine them. Then, make a drawing to illustrate your description .

my house